According to Traditional Chinese Medicine and Face Mapping
Beliefs, acne on different areas of the face can be the indicator of many
underlying inner health conditions.
in order to remove acne from your face, you have to correct the internal health
issues first. In this article, we mention acne of some areas on the face and
the related hidden health problems.
Upper Forehead
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Acne on the upper
forehead indicates that you’re having problems in the bladder and large
intestines. People who have acne on their forehead usually suffer from a poor
digestive system and urinary infections. To treat both the acne and digestive
issues, you should focus on a diet plan including antioxidant-rich foods such
as tomatoes, cherries, berries, lemons, green tea, apples, etc.
Lower Forehead
Image: boldsky |
Based on
Traditional Chinese Medicine, acne on the lower forehead means you’re having
problems in the nervous system and emotions. You may suffer from anxiety or
depression. Relax yourself, sleep tight and spend time with your family and
friends to de-stress yourself, treat acne and gain a glowing skin.
Image: boldsky |
Acne on
eyebrows can be the indicator of poor liver functions. It shows that you’re
overloading your liver through a wrong and unhealthy diet. Limit the intake of
junk foods, fried foods, fatty foods, smoking, etc. and go for fresh fruit and
vegetable juice to flush out toxins from your body and help your liver function
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Acne on cheeks
can be linked to poor lung functions. People
smoking or having lung problems such as asthma, respiratory allergies and
bronchitis are vulnerable to getting acne on their cheeks. Stop smoking so as
to protect your lungs as well as prevent acne.
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If acne
appears on your nose, it means that you may be having cardiovascular problems
such as high blood pressure and stress. High cholesterol levels are the major
factor that causes damage to your heart and blood vessels. Avoid foods that are
high in trans-fat such as junk foods, packaged foods, etc. as these foods
increase the bad fats in your bloodstream that may lead to a heart attack. Eat
heart-healthy foods that reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and balance blood
Mouth and Chin
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Acne on your
mouth and chin are related to stomach and small intestines. Besides, chin areas
are linked to kidneys, urinary tract and reproductive organs. Acne occurs on
these areas are also associated with hormone imbalance and constipation. Eat
fresh fruits and veggies and avoid oily foods, junk foods and soft drink.
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Ear acne is
related to kidney problems. Not drinking enough water can lead to decreased
kidney function and ear acne.
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