Thursday, November 12, 2015


There’s a reason why many doctors ask you to open your mouth and say “ahh”. A healthy tongue should have pink color and be covered with small nodules. If you see something strange in the mirror from white spots to red bumps, it can be a sign of an underlying condition.

Strawberry red tongue

Strawberry-like tongue.
Having a red tongue isn’t healthy and could be a sign of:

--Vitamin deficiency: Iron and vitamin B12 deficiencies may cause your tongue to take on a reddish appearance.

--Scarlet fever: It could be a reason for your strawberry-like tongue. If you have a high fever and a red tongue, you should visit your doctor.

--Kawasaki disease: This is a condition that can also cause the tongue to have a red and bumpy appearance. It is commonly seen in children under the age of 5 and is associated with a high fever. Kawasaki syndrome is a serious condition that needs immediate medical evaluation.

White tongue

White coating on tongue.
A tongue with white coating or white spots could be an indication of:

--Oral thrush: It is a yeast infection which develops inside the mouth and is commonly seen in infants and the elderly, especially in people with weak immune function or denture wearers. People suffering from diabetes and those taking inhaled steroids for asthma or lung disease can also get it.

--Leukoplakia: This condition is usually seen in smokers. Although painless at first, this has at least 5% risk of developing into cancer. If you are non-smoker, it could be something harsh that rubs against your tongue and often disappears in two weeks at most, but if not, visit your doctor.

Wrinkled tongue

Wrinkles on both sides of the tongue.
This just means you’re getting older and is a normal part of our lives which is harmless, but problems can arise if you have poor dental hygiene habits leading to infection, pain and bad breath.

Painful sores

A painful sore on the left side of the tongue.
Having painful sores could mean you’re under stress which are very uncomfortable and painful during the first four days and disappear within two weeks.

Persistent red lesions
It could mean you have signs of tongue cancer. You should not confused with canker sores which resolves themselves within two weeks while red lesions or patches usually occur or don’t go away could be serious. Make sure you check with your doctor immediately.

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