Thursday, November 19, 2015


Fatigue, also called tiredness or exhaustion, is a term used to describe the general feeling of being weak and tired that can be linked to mental or physical tiredness. About 1 in every 5 Americans suffers from fatigue that interferes with their daily lives, according to the American Institutes of Health.

Several factors that cause this problem include lifestyle factor such as excessive alcohol use, excessive caffeine intake, poor sleep, unhealthy eating habits and more, medical conditions or psychological problems.

The most common symptom of fatigue is exhaustion, particularly after workouts or mental activities. Some other signs are painful muscles, difficulty concentrating, headaches, loss of appetite, moodiness, lack of energy and dizziness. Whatever the causes are, this condition seems to give your life more stressful, but the good news is that you can beat fatigue by consuming key foods that will provide your body with all the essential nutrients to function properly.

Enjoy breakfast

Oatmeal with raisin is a smart option to kick-start your day.
At the beginning of the day, most people are hurried to work or school and forget their first powerful meal of the day- breakfast. Research indicates breakfast promotes alertness and concentration; helps melt up extra pounds by preventing overeating later in the day and prevents diabetes, heart disease and obesity. According to the Academy of Nutrition and Diabetics, one way to reap all these benefits and to be active all day long is eating carbohydrates for energy and protein for endurance. Some healthy options include oatmeal with raisins, wholegrain toast with peanut butter and fruit, scrambled eggs, toast and fruit.

Charge your body with complex carbohydrates
Healthy eating shouldn’t end with the first meal of the day. A well-balanced diet within the day is an essential source of sustained energy. Regardless of the bad reputation of carbohydrates, the nutrients from carbohydrates are still the body’s preferred source of energy. The best way to maximize the body’s source of energy is to eat a combination of complex and simple carbohydrates in which complex carbohydrates, which are slow burning, include whole grains and starchy vegetables such as carrots, potatoes, pumpkin and so on and simple carbohydrates with a faster burn that can provide an immediate source of energy include fruits, vegetables and honey. It is also important to make sure your complex carbohydrates contain fiber which helps the carbohydrates eaten to be more slowly absorbed by the body, resulting in the gradually-released source of energy for the body to perform throughout the day.

Pump up on protein
Protein is a macronutrient which supplies the body with fuel. It activates cells, assists in growth, preserves lean muscle mass and delivers hormones and vitamins that help keep you awake, according to a study conducted at the University of Cambridge in England and published in the journal Neuron in 2011. Good sources of protein include eggs, meat, fish, poultry, nuts, soy and low-fat dairy products.

Refresh with water

Two-thirds of the body is made up of water, so without it, you could only live a few days. Water helps control body temperature through sweat, greases the joints and contributes to the production of energy molecules. Dehydration is one of the most common causes of fatigue, so drink an adequate amount of water to help the body function properly.

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