Wednesday, November 18, 2015


Wrapping tops of bananas in plastic wrap, wrapping celery in aluminum foil and storing in the refrigerator and washing berries in a vinegar bath before refrigerating are some ways to prevent your produce from going bad quickly.

One of the most common excuses for not being stick to your healthy-eating plan is the cost. While purchasing or stocking up on fresh and whole foods is an investment, it is frequently the amount you waste that causes you feeling like you’re throwing your money out of the windows. Fortunately, below are some tried-and-true tricks to keep your healthy foods fresher for longer. Say bye-bye to moldy mushrooms, limp lettuce and sprouting potatoes…

Problem: Mushy Bananas
Solution: Wrap tops of bananas in plastic wrap.

There are various fruits that emit ethylene gas to ripen themselves including bananas. Of course, you cannot eat the entire bunch of bananas within a few days, so simply wrap the stems tightly in plastic wrap. This can reduce the amount of ethylene gas emitting from the fruit, slow the ripening process and keep the fruit fresh for a long period of time. Moreover, the gas makes the ripening process faster, so this tip will help prevent nearby produce from going bad as well. Some examples of fruits and vegetables that also emit the gas and should be kept away from other produce are pears, tomatoes, plums, cantaloupe and nectarines.

Problem: Rubbery Celery
Solutions: Wrap in aluminum foil and store in the freezer.
Celery is a vegetable that can quickly go from crisp and crunchy to rubbery and tasteless; however, you can make the life of this vegetable last longer by taking a few extra minutes to store it in the right way. After separating, washing and drying the stalks, wrap them tightly in aluminum foil that keeps the air out and moisture in, but still allows the ethylene gas to leach, slowing down the ripening process and keeping the vegetable fresh for up to a couple of weeks.

Problem: Limp Lettuce
Solution: Line the bottom of the fridge’s crisper drawer with paper towels.

By doing this trick, the moisture in the refrigerator that causes most fruits and veggies to lose their crisp texture and go bad will be absorbed to keep fresh produce crunchy for a longer period of time.

Problem: Moldy Berries
Solution: Wash berries in a vinegar bath before refrigerating
In order to extend berries’ life, rinse them in a vinegar bath with the ratio of one part vinegar to three parts water, and then rinse again with water to remove any vinegar taste. Dry and store them back in their container. The vinegar will kill bacteria on the berries which helps prevent mold growth.

Problem: Sprouting Potatoes
Solution: Throw an apple in with your potatoes.

Many experimenters claim that throwing an apple in with your potatoes to prevent them from sprouting and add weeks to their shelf life. Besides, you should store potatoes in a cool, dry place because moisture and sunlight promote the sprouting process.

Problem: Slimy Mushrooms
Solution: Keep mushrooms in a paper bag, not plastic.
Mushrooms are delicious in taste and a hearty ingredient to use in many dishes from a chopped salad to a morning omelet but the problem is that they are easily becoming slimy and mushy. To keep your mushrooms meaty and fresh for longer, paper should be your go-to. Plastic traps in moisture that causes mushrooms to mildew, so replace plastic bags with paper ones to let the air ventilate and your vegetable to breath.

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