Monday, November 23, 2015


Researches have revealed that 90% of infertility problems in male are caused by the failure to produce enough sperm volume. The good news is most of the men can rectify this troubling issue just by changing their daily diet.

Oysters are super high in zinc- an essential mineral that plays an important role in promoting the testosterone levels as well as sperm production. An increase in testosterone levels also helps improve your sexual desire and energy which means you are going to have higher chances of conceiving besides deriving more pleasure from your sexual encounters. Plus, oysters are also rich in vitamin B12, manganese and selenium that have been linked to better-firing sperm.

Dark chocolate
Dark chocolate contains L-Arginine HCL, a powerful amino acid that has been well-known to double sperm and semen volume. Just don’t overdo t or you will end up with weight gain which will reduce levels of testosterone in the body and the sperm count.

Bananas are rich in bromelain, an enzyme that controls sex hormones. Besides, they are also a great source of vitamin A, B1 and C that help in improving sperm production and enabling your body in promoting its stamina.

High in protein and vitamin E, eggs are considered one of the best foods that help in the production of healthy and strong sperm in the testicles. They’re also rich in antioxidants that neutralize the free radicals which may kill sperm.

Another key nutrient for sperm volume is omega-3s. These essential fatty acids help in increasing sperm count and sexual function by improving blood flow to the penis.

Mankind has been using garlic for centuries in to treat various physical ailments from a common cold to cardiovascular disease, and what most people don’t know is that garlic is also very effective in boosting sperm count. It contains allicin, a compound that improves blood circulation to the male sexual organs, increasing sperm production and semen volume.

Being well-known for its cleansing and healing properties, this miraculous green veggie contains a high concentration of vitamin C that protects the sperm cells from the damaging effects of free radicals and increases sperm volume and motility.

Goji berries
One of the reasons for low sperm production is overheating. High temperatures tend to hamper the sperm production and reduce the volume released in a man’s ejaculation. These bright red berries contain powerful antioxidants that improve blood flow to the penis, combat oxidative damage and cool down temperature levels in the male reproductive organs at an optimal level.

Ginseng is a powerful herb with powerful effects on improving virility in men. It helps increase sex drive and also enhance your sexual performance.

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