Friday, November 27, 2015


Tree Man Syndrome, Stone Man Syndrome, Vampire Disease and Werewolf Syndrome are some of the most bizarre and horrifying diseases you’ve never heard of.

Tree Man Syndrome

Tree Man Syndrome, a skin disease caused by an autosomal recessive genetic hereditary skin disorder, is signaled by the spread of brown, scaly papules that look like tree bark, especially on the hands and feet. Patients with Tree Man Syndrome can get some relief by having the papules removed; however, until now, there is no cure for this gruesome disease as it will continue to grow back overtime. Fortunately, this disease is extremely rare.

Stone Man Syndrome

Stone Man Syndrome, an extremely rare connective tissue mutation disease, is characterized by the process of transforming into bone of muscles, tendons and ligaments. Surgery may be done to suppress the bone growths, but the body still reverts to the same process. There are 700 reported cases in the world.

Werewolf Syndrome

This bizarre disease which typically starts indicating symptoms in early adolescence causes the uncontrollable growth of hair on face or most parts of the body. Sufferers so closely resemble a werewolf due to a “hairy” appearance. Until now, there is no cure for the disease.

Vampire Disease- Porphyria

Vampire Disease is caused by the accumulation of chemicals related to red blood cell proteins. Sufferers have an aversion to highly acidic foods and sensitivity to sunlight. When they are exposed to sun, the infected areas start itching, developing in blisters and painful swelling. This disease also causes the gum to recede, even the appearance of a sharp set of fangs.

Premature Aging

This disease is an extremely rare genetic disorder in which a sufferer starts showing the signs of aging when he or she is only a young child. The disease progresses rapidly and drives the affected to die in his or her mid-teens to early twenty.

Mermaid Syndrome

Mermaid Syndrome is an extremely rare congenital deformity in which a sufferer’s legs are fused together at birth, giving him or her the appearance of a mermaid. There is currently no cure for the freaky disease and most babies born with Mermaid Syndrome die within one day due to the complications to their kidney and urinary bladder function.

Blue Man Disease

Image: tumblr
This disease is caused by a higher presence of Met-hemoglobin than Hemoglobin in a person’s blood. Symptoms include shortness of breath, fatigue, headaches, seizures, changes in mental status and a typical blue complexion.

Walking Corpse Syndrome

Image: pinterest
It is a rare mental illness in which the affected believes that they’re actually dead. These poor souls walk around feeling as if they did not exist as a person and had lost all their blood or internal organs. Luckily, doctors have achieved some success in treating patients by combining anti-psychotic and antidepressant drugs.


Instead of spending a lot of money in buying beauty products that may have side effects on your delicate skin due to their chemical ingredients, opt for some kitchen ingredients that are cheap as well as effective in helping you regain a flawless beautiful skin.

Chamomile Tea Bags

You must be tired of having dark, puffy under eye circles because of spending many hours sitting in front of your computer while working and not getting enough sleep, right? Do this trick. Dip two chamomile tea bags in a cup of hot water and then place them in the fridge for a while. Put these bags on your eyes and relax in some minutes. Caffeine and tannins- the two anti-inflammatory astringents- help in reducing the pesky puffy eyes.

Basil Leaves

Basil leaf is known as a flavor in most meal preparations. However, this herb is also one of the amazing beauty products which can repair dry and damaged hair. All you have to do is to make a paste of crushed basil leaves and water and then apply the paste onto your scalp. Wash with lukewarm water and see the difference.


Despite its unpleasant smell, it is the best choice to remove acne zits. Garlic has antioxidant properties that help to reduce the acne inflammation. Crush a fresh garlic clove and apply the extract onto the affected areas on your skin. It helps heal up quickly, leaving no scar behind.

Egg White

Egg white is one of the best beauty ingredients that can be used on your entire body. Whip egg white and make a mask for the hair, giving you shiny silky locks when used regularly. Besides, egg white can be used to minimize pores and tight the skin to get rid of wrinkles.

Apple Juice

Not only being a tasty drink but apple juice also is an excellent beauty product. It acts as a toner and an astringent that helps to get rid of blemishes and restore your skin’s PH balance. Dip a cotton pad in apple juice, dab it onto your skin for some minutes and wash your face with lukewarm water. Your skin will be soft, firm and supple with regular use.


If you want your eyebrows to grow at a faster pace, all you have to do is to apple some onion juice directly onto the eyebrows.


Cornstarch is the best remedy for eliminating oily and patchy skin. This beauty product works best when used in its lose form. Besides, you can use it as a compact which can act as a setting powder in your makeup kit.


Each finger of your hand is related to one or some organs in the body. Therefore, hand massages and exercises can relieve pain linked to a particular organ, improve your physical and emotional states, alleviate fear, anxiety and stress.

Thumb: Headache and Stress

Thumb is related to your stomach, spleen and emotions. If you’re suffering from a headache or a feeling of anxiety and depression, hold your thumb and give it a slight pressure or massage it gently. Repeat this process three to four times or until you feel relaxed.

Index Finger: Muscle Aches and Frustration

Index finger is linked to fear, confusion and kidneys. Studies show that massaging index finger helps improve the condition of patients who have kidney diseases. Moreover, those having backache, muscle pain and discomfort in legs and arms should do this massage to alleviate pain.

Middle Finger: Fatigue and Anger

Apply a slight pressure to your middle finger or massage it gently to relieve pain, inflammation, liver issues and poor blood circulation. Massaging your middle finger also help you calm down when you’re irritated and angry and it also makes you relaxed and helps you maintain a normal blood pressure.

Ring Finger: Digestive Problems and Negative Thoughts

You will improve your digestive problems, negative thoughts and confused mind by massaging your ring finger. Press your ring finger slightly to reduce chest pain and respiratory issues. Remember to relax, stay calm and take deep breaths when doing these exercises.

Little Finger: Fear and Nervousness

People who are too sensitive and nervous can massage their little finger to calm down. Clear your mind from all the things that you think are letting you down while doing this finger exercise.

Palm: Nausea, Diarrhea and Constipation

Rub your palm gently in a circle motion using your other hand. You can also hold the center of your palm and breathe deeply for three times. This exercise helps reduce nausea, nervousness and constipation. Patients with cancer should do this palm exercise during their treatment.

Hand: Energy and Blood Flow

Gently press the center of your palms by bringing your hands together. This exercise increases the blood flow to the kidneys and intestines as well as boosts your energy and self-confidence.